Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Harrison Bergeron questions

1. I think that if everyone is equal in Vietnam I totally agree, because now that this country have no more talented people being equal is fair to everyone. Plus here is like a dictatorship government in this country, government command people to do things. People in this country have no luxury standards living, that's another reason why everyone in Viet Nam needs to be equal.

2.  A society where everyone is equal will have the following laws: no purchasing things that are expensive, don't laugh at disabled people, help others when they're in need, participate in activities held by government, adults should send their childs to school, everyone must get a job

3. To people who are mentally, physically and socially less capable to "catch up" I'll talk to them, try to understand them more through the conversation. I'll introduce this person to my friends to get the person in having a habit of meeting people and not afraid of them. After that, I'll introduce the person to my family members.

4. Problems I can foresee in a society with laws that fore "equality for all" are people won't be able to express their talents, people with talents won't be able to help the others, government have too much power in controlling the citizens. If I were the government I would cancel the law that everyone is equal, then I'll settle down the chaos by talking to the people and try to reason with them.

5. I think total equality is impossible because everyone have their own talents and at different levels in their studies. People also have different apperance, height, culture and nationality. These can't be change, how can we make all people equal. If we do make them equal then there's no ideas flowing from places to places.

6. I remember that when people speak Vietnamese to me after I stop speaking it for a long time I don't understand what they're saying. I don't speak Vietnamese at home, I speak Cantonese to my parents and English to my dad. Just like Hazel near the end, when George said that she could speak that again she speaks it for real. George is just making an impression, another one is that when I think solutions for problems if i think too hard ideas would flow out of my mind just like in the story when the earphones kept George from thinking so far.

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